Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 27

So today is my 4 mile day.  I went to the gym because my husband was doing a spin class which left me with the 3 kids, so I took them to the gym.  Which they always love of course.  I started my run on the treadmill, and got some serious side cramping.  I called it quits and did the stair climber.  I was bound and determined to get my 4 mile run in today.  After the gym we spent good family time together, going to the park, taking the kids out on their scooter.  Today is my baby's birthday she's 3!  I can't believe it.

Around 3pm after cleaning the house, and getting ready for the missionaries to come over, I went outside for my 4 mile run.  It was absolutely gorgeous outside.  I had a good run, and was glad to get it out of the way.

1 comment:

  1. Was this from yesterday (Saturday)? Just curious. We're still not doing the exact same schedule as far as our runs, but I think we'll be okay. Obviously we can't be exactly the same, but since I'm repeating this week 3 times to fill in enough weeks until the marathon, I hope we don't get off too much. Happy Birthday to Kendall!! (P.S. Are you getting these comments? I hope so, since we haven't "talked" for a bit, I thought I'd better make sure you were at least getting some feedback.)
